"; // foreach ($results as $key => $value) // { // echo "(results) ".$key.": ".$value."
"; // } // echo '**********'."
"; // foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) // { // echo "(SESSION) ".$key.": ".$value."
"; // } // foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) // { // echo "(POST) ".$key.": ".$value."
"; // } $knv_host = $results['knv_host']; if (array_key_exists('knv_center',$_SESSION)) { $knv_center = $_SESSION['knv_center']; } else { $knv_center = 'UNKNOWN'; } if (array_key_exists('redirect',$results)) { if (!$results['redirect'] == "") { echo $results['redirect']; header("Location: ".$results['redirect']); exit; } } // make sure the mdetect require is AFTER the redirect logic. Mdetect sends characters to the screen and causes the header command to not work. require_once('../knvphp/mdetect.php'); if (array_key_exists('input',$results)) { extract($results['input'], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "in"); } if (array_key_exists('message',$results)) { $in_message = $results['message']; } else { $in_message = ''; } if (array_key_exists('template_message',$results)) { $template_message = $results['template_message']; } else { $template_message = ''; } if(!isset($in_userid)) { $in_userid = ""; } $size_adjust = 100; $uagent_obj = new uagent_info(); if ($uagent_obj->DetectBlackberry() == $uagent_obj->true) { $in_message = 'Blackberry devices cannot access this web page. See Mobile Users Guide to install java application for Blackberry.'; $bad_bb = 1; } else { if ($uagent_obj->DetectOperaMobile() == $uagent_obj->true) { $in_message = "Opera browsers are not compatible with the Kids 'n Vue system. Please use another browser."; $bad_bb = 1; } else { $bad_bb = 0; } } if ($uagent_obj->DetectTierTablet() == $uagent_obj->true) { $size_adjust = 75; } else { //We can generally use the Quick Mobile detection method to save a couple of cycles. if ($uagent_obj->DetectMobileQuick() == $uagent_obj->true) { $size_adjust = 100; } else { if ($uagent_obj->isTierIphone == $uagent_obj->true) { $size_adjust = 100; } else { //We'll assume that anything else not caught in the above filters is a desktop-class device. $size_adjust = 60; } } } if ($size_adjust == 100) { $templateCode=@implode('', @file('./login_mobile.html')); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%in_message%%>', $in_message, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%size_adjust%%>', $size_adjust, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%knv_host%%>', $knv_host, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%in_userid%%>', $in_userid, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%bad_bb%%>', $bad_bb, $templateCode); } else { $templateCode=@implode('', @file('./login_std.html')); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%in_message%%>', $in_message, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%knv_host%%>', $knv_host, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%in_userid%%>', $in_userid, $templateCode); $templateCode=str_replace('<%%bad_bb%%>', $bad_bb, $templateCode); } echo $templateCode; ?>